missing var/objects.cache

naguser at bhodisoft.com naguser at bhodisoft.com
Thu Aug 11 23:15:50 CEST 2005

I'm setting up the web interfaces on a pair of existing distributed nodes.
On one of them, I get this whoops message "Error: Could not read object
configuration data!".

I compared the two nodes and on the one that is giving me the error, I'm
missing a var/objects.cache file. The nodes have the same
object_cache_file setting in etc/nagios.cfg and grep isn't turning up any
other related settings that I can see.

Am I right in suspecting that this missing file is the most likely source
of the problem? If so, how do I create that file? The error message says
that I should "make sure you've compiled the main program and the CGIs to
use the same object data storage options", but to the best of my knowledge
there was no difference between the two installs.

I've tried just 'touch'ing it and reloading nagios, but no luck with that.
It is still empty and I'm still getting the error.



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