Is there a way to prevent a host check in a give time period?

Erik Spigle erik-spigle at
Fri Feb 25 17:29:35 CET 2005

Why is there a "check_period" directive for service definitions, but not for host definitions?  Here is the reason I ask.  We have a particular server which doesn't need to have ANY host or service checks / notifications during a 1 hour period any day of the week.  I easily created this time period in the timeperiods.cfg file.  I assigned this time period for all notification_period directives for the host and services of this particular server.  I also assigned this time period to the check_period directive for the services.  However, there is no such directive for hosts.

Where is the problem?  Well service checks / notifications worked as expected during this 1 hour dead period.  It didn't check anyting or notify anyone regarding services during this timeframe.  However, it still did a host check during this period.  It just didn't notify during this 1 hour dead time.  Once this dead time was up, though, it proceeded to send out a host notification because it was queued up to do so--there was no way to tell it "don't check this host during this time period."  As a result it went ahead and checked it and then queued up a notification for a later time (when notifications were re-enabled after the 1 hour dead time).

Unless there is some other way to accomplish this, I am stumped.  The service checks and notifications are working as expected during this time perdiod on this server, but host checks are not (and as a result, it still sends out the notification--just not until after the dead time).

Nagios Version: 1.2 (Debian package 2:1.2-3.3)
Operating System: Ubuntu 4.10

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