Realtime 3d statusmap?

Jason Martin jhmartin at
Mon Jan 31 23:36:58 CET 2005

On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 02:13:51PM -0800, Dan Stromberg wrote:
> > > * as realtime as Nagios performs its status checks, of course.
> If you restrict access, and refresh every 5 minutes or something, I
> doubt you'd have a load problem.
While looking for a solution to this I came across a project
called 'Ogre' ( which is a GPL 3d engine.
Combining that with the pyogre python bindings I was able to
dummy up a prototype solution. The engine is pretty easy to handle; one page of
python is enough to get some objects on the screen.  

Ogre works on Linux and Windows but pyogre is currently Windows
only. Linux compatibility is in the works.

-Jason Martin
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