FW: Howto replace epoch secs in nagios.log by human readable date ?

Ralph.Grothe at itdz-berlin.de Ralph.Grothe at itdz-berlin.de
Mon Jul 25 15:08:55 CEST 2005

Sorry for the mispost.
Of course I meant to send it to nagios-users.

-----Original Message-----
From: Grothe, Ralph 
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 3:05 PM
To: Nagiosplug-Help-Admin (E-Mail)
Subject: Howto replace epoch secs in nagios.log by human readable


after some major configuration changes I sent nagios a sighup.

To check if it got caught I had a look at nagios.log.

Then I realized that it is rather inconvenient to always having
to do some conversion like such
to find out when messages got written.

[nagios at daisy:~/etc]
$ perl -anle 'print scalar localtime(($F[0]=~/(\d+)/)[0]) if eof'
Mon Jul 25 14:53:37 2005

I'm sure one can select a custom (or common logfile format)
similar to Apache.
Can one?

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