E-Mail Notifications Help

Edward Ford eford at nexusenergy.com
Wed Jun 22 17:20:30 CEST 2005

Thank you for this information it does look like Nagios did not send out
anything (there is nothing about notification in the event or notification
logs). Can you let me know if I was on the right track with the
configuration files below?

Thank You;

-----Original Message-----
From: nagios-users-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:nagios-users-admin at lists.sourceforge.net]On Behalf Of Blair Bolduc
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 10:43 AM
To: Nagios (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] E-Mail Notifications Help

1) Check the eventlog or notifications log on nagios webpage and see if
nagios is attempting to send the email. If you have entries for the
notifications in the log your problem is not nagios. If you don't, then your
config somewhere is preventing nagios from sending the email. You'll just
have to pick through your cfg files to see where the problem is.

Even though I will probably get a lot of flack from some I would like to
attempt to get assistance with this issue that I am having.

I am having issues with the Nagios notifications being sent out.
1)       If I goto the command prompt and type out /bin/mail –s “subject”
myname at mydomain.com <mailto:myname at mydomain.com>
<.usr/loca/nagios/libexec/temp.txt I get the email no problem
2)       If I put the same command in misccommands.cfg within
notify-by-email I and then disable a monitored service on purpose to put in
the alert stage I get nothing.
3)       I also put the same command in the host-notify-by-email just in
4)       In Services.cfg I have notifications_enabled = 1
notification_options=w,u,c,r and contact groups pointing at admins which is
defined in contactgroups.cfg then points to contacts.cfg.
5)       In hosts.cfg I have notifications enabled and also using the admins
group to contact.

Again when I send an email from the command line it works but when I attempt
to get a notification using the misccommands.cfg I get nothing..

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank You;

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