No email received in some host

Marc Powell marc at
Wed Oct 19 18:03:44 CEST 2005

Please always respond to the list so that others may benefit from your
experience by searching the archives.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nelson Serafica [mailto:ntserafica at]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 5:20 PM
> To: Marc Powell
> Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] No email received in some host
> yes. I can execute the check_command in command line.

Did you verify the exit code as described in my original e-mail? That's
the only thing that matters for Nagios to determine the state.

> My problem the HOST is still down in the web interface
> but the status is OK.
> In short, the HOST column is down but the STATUS
> column
> is OK. No email-recovery received.

Again, Nagios will not send a recovery notification if it believes the
host is still down as in your case. I still believe that you have a
problem with your host check_command. Can you post it to the list along
with the host definition itself? Your description seems to imply that
the host check is failing but the service check is OK. If you click on
the host name itself, what Status Information does the resulting page


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