About Event Broker and Nagios Administration

Alejandro Galue agalue at sync.com.ve
Tue Mar 21 16:47:52 CET 2006


I was reading about Nagios Event Broker (NEB), and there seems to be
modules like ndoutils or nagios-db that update a MySQL database with
Nagios configuration and event logs data.

If I understand this correctly, this means that the NEB module can send
data from Nagios to other Applications (a Data Base in this case). Am I
right ?

I have another question:

Is it possible for other Applications to send data to Nagios using Event 
Broker ?

for example,

Will it be possible to configure Nagios using MySQL Tables and then 
inform to NEB module to apply changes on nagios configuration ?

or to change the state of a service ?

Thanks in Advance,


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