Find out which device failed first - Help

Chaudhry, Zaeem zaeem.chaudhry at
Mon Mar 27 21:18:09 CEST 2006


I have a bunch of devices that I monitor using Anglos 2.0. All the
devices in my network are connected to each other in one way or the
other, which means that if one device in the network fails, it impacts
the other devices as well. I want to know if there is a way to find out
which device in the network failed "first" and caused disruption in
service. That way, I will not have to deal with the devices that are
dependant on that "first" device to get their service. 

Is there any plug-in/software available to monitor that? Pinging the
device through Anglos to find out if the it is up and running, does not
always help!

Please advise.

Thank you,

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