per host custom macros

David Mansfield nagios at
Wed Mar 29 17:46:14 CEST 2006

Hi All,

I'm somewhat of a new to nagios (coming from a mon environment) and I'm 
using nagios 2.0 on Centos 4, using RPMs from DAG.

I was wondering if it is possible to define 'custom macros' that can be 
defined per host.

For example, we have the $HOSTADDRESS$ macro which can be referenced in 
the 'command' definition, but what if I have some other attribute I'd 
like to specify that's not part of the 'host' object by default.

In particular, our DNS caches run on their own IP address (interface) 
different from the rest of the services on the boxes.  I don't want to 
define new hosts for this because that would be ugly, mistake prone, 
confusing in the HTTP UI etc.  Instead I'd like to define a new check 
command called check_dnscache which uses $DNSCACHEADDRESS$ instead of 
$HOSTADDRESS$ in it's command line.

Can anyone make a suggestion on how to do this?


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