
Jason Martin jhmartin at
Mon May 22 22:20:48 CEST 2006

On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 03:09:49PM -0500, jeff vier wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 13:03 -0700, Jason Martin wrote:
> > So what are the requirements again? Install a stock Linux
> > distribution, install Nagios, install plugins, install a stock web
> > config gui tool, and install the client portion of the windows
> > agents?  
> If you believe in your heart that it will be that simple...well...bless
> you, and good luck.
> You've apparently never done consulting work.
It depends on the task. If the request was "wouldn't it be nice
if there was a VMware-player compatible configuration such that
someone could drop this in and be able to try a very basic
Nagios installation, assuming they had basic UNIX skills" then
it would be possible. If the request is "Please give me a Nagios
installation that I will never have to think about, has
space-shuttle level documentation, and is compatible with every
system and configuration I have without fail and can totally
configure itself without any human intervention" then its a
totally different deal.

-Jason Martin
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