Script returns "No Output"

Janet Post Janet.Post at
Mon Nov 6 20:29:38 CET 2006

Hello All.

I have written several custom nagios scripts, and most work just fine.
But recently, I have written a script to check the number of apache idle
threads on an apache server.

The script works just fine on the command line, but nagios returns "No
Output".  I'm getting very annoyed with this script as I can not for the
life of me determine the problem.  If someone (ANYONE) would be able to
help me solve this problem, I would be most grateful.

I have included the script as an attachment.  For those with a
discerning eye, you will recognize this script as a bastardization of
the original check_apache script only updated to parse a server status
page that is formatted differently and minus the stuff I did not need.


Janet Post

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