check_disksuite2 (to 'warewolf')

Alexander Harvey alexh19740110 at
Wed Nov 8 02:23:38 CET 2006

Hi Warewolf & All,

After looking at the code carefully, I decided it'd be easier for my
purposes to rewrite:  I only have access to RAID1 to test so the code won't
work if you're using a different RAID level. Feedback is most welcome!


use constant OK => 0;
use constant CRITICAL => 2;

open METASTAT, "-|", "/usr/sbin/metastat" || die "Couldn't run metastat

while ( <METASTAT> )
  if ( /^(d\d+): (.+)/ ) # begin new device
    $device = $1;
    $type = $2;
  if ( $type eq "Mirror" ) # begin new device of type "Mirror"
    if ( /^Submirror \d+: (d\d+)/ ) # begin new "Submirror"
      $submirror = $1;
    if ( /^State: (\S+)/ ) # read in new "State"
      $state = $1;
      if ( $state ne "Okay" )
        $message .= " and submirror $submirror of mirror $device is
        $exitcode = CRITICAL;
  if ( $_ eq "" ) # finished with device on blank line
    if ( $type eq "Mirror" && $submirrors == 1 )
        $message .= " and $device has only one submirror!";
        $exitcode = CRITICAL;
    undef $submirrors; # clear our flags
    undef $device;

$message =~ s/^ and //;

if    ( $exitcode == OK )       { print "OK - No disk failures detected\n" }
elsif ( $exitcode == CRITICAL ) { print "CRITICAL - $message\n";           }
exit $exitcode;

Kind Regards,
Alex Harvey

On 11/7/06, Alexander Harvey <alexh19740110 at> wrote:
> Hi to Warewolf
> --or anyone else using the check_disksuite2 plugin from the
> NagiosExchange--if you're out there!
> I have been using your plugin and have discovered a "bug" / feature
> depending on what you intended: in the event that a submirror is detached,
> the plugin returns a value of OK.
> Just wondering if you're happy for me to submit a patch for this? Or is it
> something you'd rather look at yourself? Or has someone out there prepared a
> patch already?
> Kind Regards,
> Alex Harvey
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