Notification on Stalk

Petersen, Mark MPetersen at
Tue May 8 23:11:16 CEST 2007

I've searched high and low for the answer to this.  It seems that
because nagios just checks exit status, its not easy to create a
notification on stalking.  I'm wondering if I can definte additional
exit codes as critical (without modifying the source,) or if there is
another soltuion to this.

For instance, say I'm checking disk space.  Warn at 85%, Crit at 90%.  I
also want a notification at 95,96,97,98,99,100%.  I could easily exit 95
for 95%, 96 for 96%, etc.  I believe this creates an unknown message.
If I exit at 96, since this is a different exit code (but still unknown)
would I get another notification?  I know, I can test this, but it seems
clunky and I don't like the unknown status issue for historical

Volatile services with passive checks that only submit on change is
another option, but this presents issues with needing to do freshness
checking and wanting to have active checks as much as possible.

Are there any other solutions to this problem?  I know from a few
archive threads there isn't much demand for this, but it seems like
anytime you turn on stalking this would be a nice option (why wouldn't
you want to be notified as your array degrades as per the example for
stalking.)  Looking at the docs I don't see anything in 3.0 that will
help with this either.


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