Newbie installation question

Scott Ackerman lists at
Mon Nov 19 18:24:04 CET 2007

I am looking to implement Nagios for monitoring a dedicated remote web
server that I have. I currently have a local Linux server that I could
install Nagios on, however my internet connectivity can be flaky at
times and if I monitor a remote server I may get more "failure warnings"
than I care to. The quick start seems to assume that Nagios would be
installed on a local server, or at least one in which you had local
x-windows access to, can this be installed without having "localhost"
access? and why would or would I not want to do this? Thanks.

Scott Ackerman
1212 Baker Street
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Cell 970-231-9035
Fax 888-290-2131

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