Multiple customers

Ronaldo A. Bueno Filho ronaldobf at
Sun Dec 21 18:33:49 CET 2008


I am trying configure Nagios to monitor multiple customers. I am trying to
figure out what is the best way to do it.

Imagine the following situation: I have a customer that uses the subnet and also I have the customer 2 that uses the same subnet
( /16). I am summarizing the addresses.

Is there some way to differentiate those customers? I thought in NAT, but
when configuring the hosts in the Nagios cfg files, I have to use the public
IP (NAT), right? Is there some way to use the real IP address? I thought in
DNS to solve this. What is the suggestions?

Also, I will have different maps for each customers. How to do it.


Ronaldo A. Bueno Filho

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