Threshold for processes

Palle L Jensen palleje at
Mon Feb 4 16:08:50 CET 2008

Hi All,


I have a question that i find interesting and that I really never thought of


We monitor around 60 hosts and 260 services, have Nagios 2.9 installed on a
HP Compaq dc5700 Small Form Factor

Intel Pentium D 915 / 2.8 GHz Dual-Core 64-bit med 1GB DDRII Ram.


Monitoring the processes on the Nagios machine it sometimes a sends out a
warning or critical per passing the threshold of w:200 and c:250, it used to
give warnings and critical when I was working on the machine, testing
different things, but would go back to normal when I was done. 2 weeks ago I
added additional 30 hosts and about 150 services and now every second day
Nagios send out 1 or 2 alerts for exciding the threshold.


When I check the CPU/Ram/Network utilization it shows very low on both CPU's
(2-5%) and below half of the Ram utilization, and only 1/10th of the swap
file. Network traffic is low as well.


Here is my question:


If the CPU and Ram is not overloaded, what is the critical part with
processes? And what is really the maximum processes that can be run, when
the CPU show no overload (not even close)? Also is the default threshold set
in Nagios just a general threshold i.e Warning over 200 and Critical over
250 procs. What would make the decision of the Warning/Critical threshold?




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