What is the best way to monitor remote servers?

Hugo van der Kooij hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org
Tue Mar 4 19:48:34 CET 2008

Hash: SHA1

Eric Anderson wrote:
| On Mon, 2008-03-03 at 07:28 +0100, Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
|> Eric Anderson wrote:
|> | Hi all,
|> |
|> | I'm new to Nagios and I'm attempting to configure passive checks on a
|> | Windows 2003 box using NC_Net. I've read multiple documents and I'm
|> | still having trouble. I'm hoping someone can help me.
|> How do you submit the passive check results? That is not anywhere in
|> your message. And by the very definition of passive checks there is no
|> action of Nagios for them.
| I'm operating under the belief that NC_Net has an embedded send_ncsa
| functionality. Being new to Nagios, I may be wrong and I welcome
| confirmation.

Well. Think of how information flows through your setup. Describe the
steps you have taken to make sure each step works. Without that
information it will be hard to guess what might be missing as there is
no description available about your setup.

|> | My setup is a Nagios server on Fedora Core 6 server and NC_net on the
|> | Windows box. These computers are both on the same LAN with no firewall
|> | between them. This configuration works and I'm receiving data when
|> | active checks. I can't get it to work using passive checks.
|> You are aware that Fedora Core 6 is no longer maintained?
| Yes, however would this effect Nagios functionality?

It might. If you end up with a kernel bug later. Who will fix it?

Regardless of how safe you think a system is now it may very well be
that a critical issue is found next week and you may end up in dire need
of a fix all of a sudden.

I have burned myself on a number of issues like using Fedora Core for a
production server and ending up with doing a lot of bending to fix
something that could have been solved by using something that receives
normal updates.

Been there, done that, got the scars. Are you willing to find out for
yourself that Fedora is not suited for real life due to it's short life


- --
hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org               http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/
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