Services on Host Templates

Morris, Patrick patrick.morris at
Mon Aug 24 21:44:43 CEST 2009

On Thu, 20 Aug 2009, Christopher McAtackney wrote:

> Hi all,
> If I create a host template, and associate a number of services with
> it, will hosts which inherit from that template also inherit the
> service associations?
> I've tried this out, but it doesn't seem to be working, and I'm
> wondering if there's something I'm missing.
> Previously I was using host groups to achieve this, but decided to use
> templates for my platform specific service checks (so instead of
> having a "Windows Hosts" host group with all my Windows specific
> checks, I would just have a Windows-Host template with the associated
> service checks which would then be inherited by all my Windows boxes).

While you can't do exactly what you're trying to do here, you *can* add
hostgroup membership to your template, and add that hostgroup to your
service definition.

So, for example, you could base windows hosts on a template that
includes "hostgroups windows_hosts", and then when defining hosts you
wouldn't need to define that hostgroup for each one, since it's part of
the template.  You still need to attach your checks to the
"windows_hosts" hostgroup, but it keeps the host definitions clean.

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