Scheduling: lot of checks in same time

Emmanuel Vargas Vargas at
Thu Feb 26 15:04:09 CET 2009

Hello all,

Sorry for this newbie question.
I'm checking a lot of service with a "small" interval between each check.
I'm using a lot of homemade script and using nagios 3.05

I'm trying to understand the poller scheduling.
I've just read the "Service Check Scheduling" but I can't understand this:
It seems nagios send check like a wave.
Let me explain:
Nagios send around 30-40 checks in the same time and wait maybe 30s before send another wave of 30-40 checks.
It is possible to tune Nagios for sending less check in shorter interval?
For example 5 checks each 5 seconds seems to be better that 30 checks every 30scondes.

Thanks for your help
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