single email alert to multiple contacts?

Charlie Reddington linuxassassin at
Fri Aug 20 17:49:19 CEST 2010

On Aug 20, 2010, at 10:23 AM, Scott Nottingham wrote:

> Does anyone know how (or if it is even possible) to configure nagios  
> to send a single email to all contacts associated with the host/ 
> service/etc as opposed to a separate email to each contact?
> The problem I'm facing is with emailing distribution lists.  If both  
> distribution_list_A and B contain user_A, said user ends up getting  
> 2 email for the same event.  If nagios could be configured to send a  
> single email to both distribution lists, our exchange server would  
> recognize that user_A is a member of both lists and send only 1  
> email to him.
> Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide!

Think of your exhange servers mailing lists as buckets. Bucket A is  
list A with user A in it. Bucket B is list B with user A in it.

Each bucket is going to get an email, and that email is going to get  
copied to it's users.

I don't think this way is going to be possible, unless you make  
another group, and put your groups in there. But I will bet that user  
a still gets 2 emails. But I can't say for certain, since it's been  
about 5 years since I used a exchange server.

I would probably pull user a out, and let him get contacted separately  
with nagios, instead of depending on a group list if it's a big deal.  
The down side is this doesn't scale very well.


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