R: Re: Acquiring data from a log

sandman42 at libero.it sandman42 at libero.it
Mon Sep 20 15:42:48 CEST 2010

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: benny at bennyvision.com
>Data: 20/09/2010 15.12

>Wow.  Check out Consul Labs' check_logfiles plugin.  Don't re-invent
>the wheel if you can avoid it.

Sure, but it's too complicate for me, and I'm not a perl guru.
Anyway, the script is ready and works when run from command line.

>> 3) How can I pass both exit values and the string echoed?
>echo "This is output that will show up in the Nagios web UI"
>exit 3

Why returning 3, i.e. STATE_UNKNOWN????

Basically, what I need is to look on the host detail web page and have the 
number of the processed records. Then, if this value exceeds a limit, that 
could be passed via command line, the script exits with exit value 2 = 
STATE_CRITICAL in nagios. Otherwise it exits with 0 = STATE_OK.

How can I do this, provided that I have a working script that gives me those 


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