SERVICEOUTPUT macros don't show html code

Marc Reyes marc.reyes85 at
Mon Jun 27 02:36:20 CEST 2011


I installed a distributed nagios, with 4 distributed servers and one central
I have some urlize checks, and custom checks with html code. In the
distributed servers there are no problem, when the escape_html_tags options
is disable I can see in the "Status Information" box <A
OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 869 bytes in 0.003 seconds </A>, and when the last
option is enable I get the link.
But in the central server the info I get in the box is: 'A href=
http://mywebHTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 869 bytes in 0.003 seconds /A' and no

First I thought that it was a nsca plugin problem, or the script to send the
information by nsca. But is not the problem.
Then, I defined this command to log real $SERVICEOUTPUT$ macro:
define command {
   command_name                  check_http_urlize
   command_line                  $USER1$/urlize $ARG1$ "$USER1$/check_http
-H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG2$ -u $ARG3$ -e '$ARG4$'" && echo $SERVICEOUTPUT$ >>

And that's all I get:
~# cat /home/nagios/loglog.log
A href=http://mywebHTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 869 bytes in 0.002 seconds /A

There's no <,>," characters. And no html code.

Someone knows the way to fix this?

Thanks in advance
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