servicedependency not working properly

Steve Glasser sglasser at
Fri Sep 2 02:09:43 CEST 2011

Hi list,

We often have nagios checks time out when servers are under heavy load.  One check tests nrpe, if that fails or times out I want notifications for other services on the same host to be suppressed.  To do this I am using servicedepenency.

Looking at nagios logs I can see that all other checks, both nrpe and remote, are running before test_nrpe.  That means, at least for the first cycle of failed checks, that notifications for all services will be sent.

Is it possible to control the order in which nagios checks run?  Or am I just doing something wrong?  Please see sample config below:

define servicedependency {
        host_name       vm-foo2
        service_description     test_nrpe
        dependent_host_name     vm-foo2
        dependent_service_description   nrpe_check_load,nrpe_check_ntp_time,nrpe_check_root,nrpe_check_swap,nrpe_check_ro_mounts
        notification_failure_criteria   c,u
        execution_failure_criteria      n

Steve Glasser | System Administrator |
Direct: 541-955-6903 | Fax: 541-471-0821

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