parsing tac.cgi output

Andy Moran amoran at
Fri Jan 4 19:09:00 CET 2013

Thanks for the suggestions!


On Jan 3, 2013, at 3:09 AM, Páll Guðjón Sigurðsson <palli at> wrote:

> Hi andy,
> as for the tac.cgi i think your best bet is to parse the html. 
> Alternatively if you have pynag installed on the nagios server you can use this script:
> import pynag.Parsers
> s = pynag.Parsers.status()
> s.parse()
> all_services =['servicestatus']
> unhandled_problems = [service for service in all_services if service['current_state'] != '0' and service['problem_has_been_acknowledged'] == '0' ]
> print len(unhandled_problems)
> If your script is not running on the nagios server itself, consider using mklivestatus to get the total number of problems (either shell script or pynag)
> Kind regards,
> Pall Sigurdsson
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andy Moran" <amoran at>
> To: "Nagios Users List" <nagios-users at>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 2, 2013 7:00:41 PM
> Subject: [Nagios-users] parsing tac.cgi output
> Does tac.cgi have a way to output JSON or XML or another machine-parsable output?
> Specifically I'm looking to have an external script query the number of un-acknowledged critical problems in the nagios cluster. 
> Apologies if this has been asked before. 
> Cheers!
> --Andy
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