High CPU consumption by java and redis-server

Rahul Amaram rahul.amaram at vizury.com
Wed Sep 17 21:18:44 CEST 2014

/When it comes to your last finding I have no explanation. Just to 
understand you compare using -24H with -10080M (-168H). Would it not be 
better to compare -24H and -1440M. I have to get back to you on this but 
I would need to get the result when running in cacheCli since you get 
the time it takes, 
This was a typo. I was talking about -168H and -10080M. Also, I used 
"bischeck cli.CacheCli" to check this. And I re-ran this now, but not 
finding much difference between both of them (it takes about 4-6 seconds 
to retrieve the value).

Reg. other points, I have to get back to you. On a side note, I have 
upgraded from redis-server 2.6 to 2.8, just to rule out any version 
performance issues.


On Thursday 18 September 2014 12:19 AM, Anders Håål wrote:
> Hi Rahul,
> Looking at your threshold this means that you will retrieve max 6 
> values, which should not be that "hard" even if its a time based query 
> - using index is faster and is something we will look into in the future.
> Since you run the query every 120 sec it means that you currently have 
> at lest 5040 items in the cache for this each service, which does not 
> sound to bad. 10 services  at least 50000 in total.
> What I like you to check is the following:
> - If you connect with some JMX client against bischeck you can see all 
> the different timers 
> http://www.bischeck.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Bischeck_installation_and_administration_guide.html#toc-Chapter-5. 
> The once that are related to threshold are inserting to start with but 
> check all the different timers if some one have long execution time.
> - Since the its the redis-server that are consume a high level of CPU 
> its interesting to see the configuration for redis - like the amount 
> of memory allocated. If redis need to swap its not good.
> - Please check the redis log files.
> - You can also connect to redis with redis-cli and run command 
> "monitor" to get a real time listing on the commands executed against 
> redis.
> - Also check with top the percentage of %wa, waiting for io. How much 
> memory do you have on the server? Only running bischeck and redis?
> - How much cpu is bischeck consuming? Do you see any peaks?
> - Also check the bischeck log to see any ERROR or WARN.
> - And finally - has this been the behavior from the beginning or has 
> it increased over time? What happen if you restart bischeck (not reload)?
> Try to collect some more info so we can try to determine where the 
> issue is related.
> When it comes to your last finding I have no explanation. Just to 
> understand you compare using -24H with -10080M (-168H). Would it not 
> be better to compare -24H and -1440M. I have to get back to you on 
> this but I would need to get the result when running in cacheCli since 
> you get the time it takes, 
> http://www.bischeck.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Bischeck_installation_and_administration_guide.html#toc-Section-4.4.
> Regards
> Anders
> On 09/17/2014 07:13 PM, Rahul Amaram wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am observing very high CPU consumption by the java process and 
>> redis-server. redis-server being single threaded it self is taking 
>> 100% CPU. I have about 10 hosts, with about 10 services each (with 
>> one service item per service). The time interval for generation of 
>> value is 120s. The threshold that I have defined is:
>> However, currently, not more than 3 values, are available.
>> I am already running this on a c3.xlarge machine (4 cores) and the 
>> load average is quite often > 4 resulting in delay of generation of 
>> values. Any pointers in what could be causing the high load would be 
>> much appreciated.
>> On a slightly different note, while using cli.CacheCli, retrieving 
>> the value of a service item one week back using hours (-24H) is 
>> considerably faster than retrieving it using minutes (-10080M). 
>> Again, why does bischeck behave this way?
>> Thanks,
>> Rahul.


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