bischeck suddenly stops working
Anders Håål
anders.haal at
Wed Aug 9 08:16:11 CEST 2017
Francesco - any progress on the issue?
On 07/26/2017 05:52 PM, Anders Håål wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback.
> When bischeck "stop working" it would be interesting to understand if
> anything gets logged after it "stops" and also what is logged when you
> do a restart - but I suggest you do a stop and see what is logged
> before starting.
> I would suggest that you change the log level in logback.xml for all
> packages
> <root level="INFO">
> <appender-ref ref="bischeck"/>
> </root>
> To avoid duplicates you should also add the additivity="false" on the
> other logger. Based on the standard logback.xml you can test this in
> your test environment first, have not tested it my self, and if it
> looks good deploy in in production according to your specific
> customization of paths, etc.
> logback.xml:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <configuration>
> <jmxConfigurator />
> <appender name="bischeck"
> class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
> <!--See also
> <File>/var/tmp/bischeck.log</File>
> <encoder>
> <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS,Europe/Stockholm} ; %p ; %t
> ; %c ; %m%ex%n</pattern>
> </encoder>
> <rollingPolicy
> class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
> <maxIndex>3</maxIndex>
> <FileNamePattern>/var/tmp/bischeck.log.%i</FileNamePattern>
> </rollingPolicy>
> <triggeringPolicy
> class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
> <MaxFileSize>1000KB</MaxFileSize>
> </triggeringPolicy>
> </appender>
> <logger name="com.ingby" level="INFO" additivity="false">
> <appender-ref ref="bischeck"/>
> </logger>
> <logger name="com.ingby.socbox.bischeck.configuration.CachePurgeJob"
> level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
> <appender-ref ref="bischeck"/>
> </logger>
> <logger name="com.ingby.socbox.bischeck.cache.provider.redis"
> level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
> <appender-ref ref="bischeck"/>
> </logger>
> <logger name="org.quartz" level="INFO" additivity="false">
> <appender-ref ref="bischeck"/>
> </logger>
> <root level="WARN">
> <appender-ref ref="bischeck"/>
> </root>
> </configuration>
> The root section will secure that everything from any java packages
> with WARN or ERROR is logged to the bischeck appender.
> Regards
> Anders
> On 07/25/2017 09:55 AM, Francesco Giuseppe Toffoli wrote:
>> Hi Anders,
>> thanks for your reply. I'll answer you to the variuos questions:
>> (1) the java version is:
>> openjdk version "1.8.0_91"
>> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14)
>> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)
>> and has not been updated recently. In our test environment, (where
>> the problem does not occur), the version is nearly the same (1.8.0_121).
>> The OS has not been updated, (CentOS release 6.6).
>> (2) Redis has not been uptaded recently, (redis 2.8.23). At the
>> moment we have more or less 13.000 keys used.
>> (3) We usually add checks, maybe weekly. The issue started to occur
>> some months ago, but it could happen that for 2 or 3 weeks everything
>> is ok, then we have several crashes in a week. I'm not so inclined
>> to give the guilt to some new checks, also because the testing server
>> is aligned to the production one.
>> (5) Yes, the restart is done via '/etc/init.d/bischeckd restart' and
>> it solves the issue. Physical memory on the server is always OK, i
>> don't think to a jvm out of memory.
>> In the Bischeck logs i didn't notice any error. However, at the next
>> crash i'll try have a deeper look at them.
>> Could i have a look at some other logs maybe?
>> Thanks,
>> Francesco
>> Il 24/07/2017 21:57, Anders Håål ha scritto:
>>> Hi Giuseppe,
>>> Sounds strange that it just stopped working after along time of
>>> stability if not something has change:
>>> - Anything change on the server you run bischeck on - OS, jdk
>>> version, ......
>>> - Update redis version? Change in configuration?
>>> - Added any new bischeck check or changed something in the
>>> configuration?
>>> - Anything else you can think about that may have change?
>>> When you say restarting is it the normal /etc/init.d/bischeckd
>>> restart that fix the problem? The reason I ask is that the script
>>> just do a kill with TERM signal. If the jvm would be in a out of
>>> memory situation it may not be enough, but you should have seen that
>>> in the log I guess. Sure you do not have any ERROR or WARN entries
>>> in the log.
>>> /Anders
>>> On 07/24/2017 02:14 PM, Francesco Giuseppe Toffoli wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> we are experiencing a critical problem with Bischeck. It's a couple
>>>> of months it sometimes suddenly stops working: the daemon
>>>> /etc/init.d/bicheckd is running but no check results are sent to
>>>> Nagios. Restarting bischeck daemon fixes the issue.
>>>> Unfortunately we can't find any clue about the root cause on
>>>> bischeck logs, not even with DEBUG logging level enabled. Redis
>>>> database seems working properly and no increasing of memory/cpu
>>>> usage are reported on the server hosting bischeck while the issue
>>>> occurs.
>>>> Do you have any suggestion on how to deeply investigate this?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Francesco
>>>> --
>>>> Francesco Giuseppe Toffoli
>>>> Monitoring Engineer
>>>> GSE Department
>>>> Tel: +39 01127387488
>>>> Mobile: +39 349.800.60.35
>>>> Email: _ftoffoli at <mailto:ftoffoli at>_
>>>> *
>>>> **Skylogic S. p. A.*
>>>> Strada Pianezza, 289
>>>> 10151 Torino, Italy
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>>> --
>>> Ingby<>
>>> bischeck - dynamic and adaptive monitoring for Nagios<>
>>> anders.haal at<mailto:anders.haal at>
>>> Mjukvara genom ingenjörsmässig kreativitet och kompetens
>>> Ingenjörsbyn
>>> Box 531
>>> 101 30 Stockholm
>>> Sweden
>>> <>
>>> Mobil: +46 70 575 35 46
>>> Tele: +46 75 75 75 090
>>> Fax: +46 75 75 75 091
>> --
>> Francesco Giuseppe Toffoli
>> Monitoring Engineer
>> GSE Department
>> Tel: +39 01127387488
>> Mobile: +39 349.800.60.35
>> Email: _ftoffoli at <mailto:ftoffoli at>_
>> *
>> **Skylogic S. p. A.*
>> Strada Pianezza, 289
>> 10151 Torino, Italy
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> --
> Ingby<>
> bischeck - dynamic and adaptive monitoring for Nagios<>
> anders.haal at<mailto:anders.haal at>
> Mjukvara genom ingenjörsmässig kreativitet och kompetens
> Ingenjörsbyn
> Box 531
> 101 30 Stockholm
> Sweden
> <>
> Mobil: +46 70 575 35 46
> Tele: +46 75 75 75 090
> Fax: +46 75 75 75 091
Ingby <>
bischeck - dynamic and adaptive monitoring for Nagios <>
anders.haal at<mailto:anders.haal at>
Mjukvara genom ingenjörsmässig kreativitet och kompetens
Box 531
101 30 Stockholm
Sweden <>
Mobil: +46 70 575 35 46
Tele: +46 75 75 75 090
Fax: +46 75 75 75 091
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