an ugly patch to allow macros in icon_image

Andreas Ericsson ae at
Wed Dec 29 09:50:15 CET 2004

Mark D. Anderson wrote:
> This is an ugly fix to an ugly workaround, so I'm not
> submitting a real patch....
> nagios does not currently support extinfo icons that
> will appear in the status page and go somewhere arbitrary.
> Right now, they are just eye candy for a hard-coded
> link in status, and no link at all in extinfo.
> at least, that is the current design -- but an ugly workaround
> is to put something like this in the object definition:
> define serviceextinfo {
>         service_description My Service
>         host_name myhost
>         icon_image  invisible.gif' border="0"></a><a
>         href="/nagiosgraph/show.cgi?host=myhost&service=My+Service"
>         border="0"><img src='/nagios/images/logos/graph.gif
> }
> which takes advantage of knowing exactly how icon_image will be used,
> so that it can close off the already opened img tag with an invisible
> gif.

You still haven't told me what version of Nagios you're seeing this on. 
It would help immensely.

> Now that gets ugly for multiple services, so then you
> want macros expanded in icon_image, and they aren't
> currently.
> So i wacked status.c and extinfo.c

Use the diff command to produce patches if you want them included in the 
nagios code-base.

> status.c:
>                                        /* was:
>                                          printf("<IMG SRC='%s%s'
>                                          BORDER=0 WIDTH=%d HEIGHT=%d
>                                          ALT='%s'
>                                          TITLE='%s'>",url_logo_images_path,temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image,STATUS_ICON_WIDTH,ST\
> ATUS_ICON_HEIGHT,(temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt==NULL)?"":temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt,(temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt==NULL)?"":temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt);
>                                          */
>                                         printf("<IMG SRC='%s",
>                                         url_logo_images_path);
>                                         print_extra_service_url(temp_service->host_name,
>                                         temp_service->description,
>                                         temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image);
>                                         printf("' BORDER=0 WIDTH=%d
>                                         HEIGHT=%d ALT='%s'
>                                         TITLE='%s'>",STATUS_ICON_WIDTH,STATUS_ICON_HEIGHT,(temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt==NULL)?"":temp_\
> serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt,(temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt==NULL)?"":temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt);
> extinfo.c:
>                                        if(temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image!=NULL)
>                                        {
>                                           /* was:
>                                            printf("<img src='%s%s'
>                                            border=0 alt='%s'
>                                            title='%s'><BR
>                                            CLEAR=ALL>",url_logo_images_path,temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image,(temp_serviceextinfo->i\
> con_image_alt==NULL)?"":temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt,(temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt==NULL)?"":temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt);
>                                            */
>                                           printf("<img
>                                           src='%s",url_logo_images_path);
>                                         print_extra_service_url(host_name,
>                                         service_desc,
>                                         temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image);
>                                         printf("' border=0 alt='%s'
>                                         title='%s'><BR
>                                         CLEAR=ALL>",(temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt==NULL)?"":temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt,(temp_servi\
> ceextinfo->icon_image_alt==NULL)?"":temp_serviceextinfo->icon_image_alt);
>                                         }
> I'm sure my mailer will mangle the above even worse;
> but it was ugly already....
> -mda

Andreas Ericsson          at
OP5 AB                   
Lead Developer

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