Nagios Notification Engine

Winkles, William (Bill) billwinkles at
Thu Apr 14 20:42:09 CEST 2005



I really like the flexibility of the Nagios notification engine.  The
ability to notify a single contact or a group based on different time
periods is great.    Because of this, I am interested in utilizing the
Nagios event notification engine for more than Nagios host and service
checks.  Is there a way I can use this engine on devices that I am not
monitoring in Nagios?  I would be interested in a service check that would
check a pop3 box, grab the email, take the info from the email and send out
a notification based on my existing Nagios contact groups and time periods.
To expand further on this, I would like to call a script on the nagios box
that would pass the same info from the email to nagios and again notify
based on the Nagios notification rules.


Has anyone done this?  Any suggestions to get me started would be a huge






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