AW: Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios 3.0,natively windows codes,support mysql,support agentless monitor , new web interface,more,Greatly

Andreas Ericsson ae at
Mon Aug 29 09:37:14 CEST 2005

sean finney wrote:
>>>this is true, under the circumstance that you provide source code
>>>along with the binary GPL'd software, or have otherwise provided
>>>the information they need to locate the original source code (or
>>>give an offer to provide said code).  sections 1 and 2 only address how
>>>you can handle the source code--section 3 clarifies for what you can do
>>>with binary-only distribution.
>>The stuff at is source-code only, so that's ok then.
> i was really referring to the final product that you distribute
> to your customers.

Actually, I think we break the GPL there by not installing all the 
source on the shipped server (the shipped server being the distribution 
medium), but we would gladly provide all the source-code for download if 
they ask for it, and we run a public mirror of the Openwall distro for 
that precis purpose.

> anyway, i'll follow up with the rest in private...
> 	sean
> [1] there are some cases where you can get away with such linking, but
>     only if such libraries are considered part of the "core operating
>     system".

Andreas Ericsson          at
OP5 AB                   
Lead Developer

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