Bug in debug code

Fran=?utf-8?B?w6c=?=ois Laupretre francois.laupretre-prestataire at calyon.com
Fri Jun 3 15:29:19 CEST 2005

At the end of 'add_contact' in common/objects.c, the 'DEBUG1' block contains
a printf with %s format for new_contact->email and new_contact->pager. But
one of these values can be a null pointer. I don't know how your printf
understands null pointers but mine (solaris) does not support them and
crashes with a Seg fault.

The code could be for these two lines :

printf("\tContact Email Address: %s\n",(new_contact->email ?
new_contact->email : "<null>"));
printf("\tContact Pager Number: %s\n",(new_contact->pager ?
new_contact->pager : "<null>"));
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