bugs in documentation for nagios 2.0
Maciej Bogucki
maciej.bogucki at artegence.com
Mon Mar 21 17:36:30 CET 2005
I have found some bugs in documentation for nagios 2.0.
F.e. on page about Event Handlers there should be:
Service event handler macros: $SERVICESTATE$, $SERVICESTATETYPE$,
Host event handler macros: $HOSTSTATE$, $HOSTSTATETYPE$, $HOSTATTEMPT$
define command{
command_name restart-httpd
command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/eventhandlers/restart-httpd
And there are a lot of the same bugs in documentation for nagios 2.0.
There is no $STATETYPE$ in nagios 2.0. There is $SERVICESTATETYPE$ for
services and $HOSTSTATETYPE$ for hosts.
Best Regards
Maciej Bogucki
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