freshness check bug?

Bryan Loniewski brylon at
Wed May 11 18:31:46 CEST 2005

While trying to setup failover in a distributed environment, I came across the following
problem (bug?) involving freshness checking.

Note: The host that this is setup on is NOT receiving any passive checks while I am
testing the freshness checking.. so the results are always stale forcing the freshness
check everytime.

Note2: Relevant config snippets are under my .sig

Trying to configure (passive) service freshness checking to execute an eventhandler
works correctly for 1 or 2 iterations.. BUT no more than that. It seems to stop checking
the freshness after at most 3 iterations and stops executing the eventhandler after 
at most 2 iterations. I've replicated this behavior (too) many times and the results are

Below is the output of my nagios log:

<snip nagios.log>
[1115822708] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=15941)
[1115822828] Warning: The results of service 'PROCS-NAGIOS' on host 'csstest2' are stale
by 60 seconds (threshold=60 seconds).  I'm forcing an immediate check of the service.
[1115822838] SERVICE EVENT HANDLER: csstest2;PROCS-NAGIOS;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;slave-failover
[1115822948] Warning: The results of service 'PROCS-NAGIOS' on host 'csstest2' are stale
by 60 seconds (threshold=60 seconds).  I'm forcing an immediate check of the service.

Notice the freshness check ran ONLY 2 times when it should have run 5 (if you look at my
config options below) and the eventhandler ran ONLY 1 time, when it should have ran 3 

Can anyone verify (disprove) this behavior? Am I missing something?

Bryan Loniewski
Rutgers University
NBCS - Systems Programmer

<snip nagios.cfg>

<snip objects.cfg>
define service{
          name                            generic-service
          parallelize_check               1
          obsess_over_service             1
          check_freshness                 0
          freshness_threshold             60
          notifications_enabled           1
          event_handler_enabled           1
          flap_detection_enabled          1
          failure_prediction_enabled      1
          process_perf_data               1
          retain_status_information       1
          retain_nonstatus_information    1
          is_volatile                     0
          max_check_attempts              5
          normal_check_interval           2
          retry_check_interval            1
          check_period                    24x7
          contact_groups                  super-admins
          notification_interval           3
          notification_period             24x7
          register                        0
define service{
          use                             generic-service
          name                            generic-passive-service
          active_checks_enabled           0
          passive_checks_enabled          1
          register                        0
define service{
          use                             generic-passive-service
          host_name                       csstest2
          service_description             PROCS-NAGIOS
          check_freshness                 1
          freshness_threshold             60
          check_command                   check_dummy!2
          event_handler                   slave-failover
define command{
         command_name    check_dummy
         command_line    $USER1$/check_dummy $ARG1$
define command{
         command_name    slave-failover
         command_line    $USER2$/failover $SERVICESTATE$ $SERVICESTATETYPE$

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