Nagios base Makefile cleanup

Andreas Ericsson ae at
Sun May 22 17:47:43 CEST 2005

I've finally had some time to clean up the base/

Here's what it does, with short rationale.

CFLAGS settings changed a bit;
@DEFS@ and -DNSCORE must always be included, so + them on last.
There's no real reason to include the entire set of CFLAGS_WARN 
explicitly in the flags overriding the default, since the effect is 
identical if they're applied later.

$(SRC_XDATA) shouldn't be explicitly mentioned for each buildrule (poor 

nagios.o should be among the objects, so that linking and compiling can 
be two separate stages also in the rules. This also allows for faster 
re-compilation when modifications are done.

Targets that doesn't produce output files should be marked as .PHONY.

Apply with patch -p1 < nagios-base-Makefile.diff.

Andreas Ericsson          at
OP5 AB                   
Lead Developer
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