Was: Nagios arch to improve performance Re: Re: Nagios-devel digest, Vol 1 #807 - 8 msgs

Stanley Hopcroft Stanley.Hopcroft at IPAustralia.Gov.AU
Mon May 23 11:26:39 CEST 2005

Dear Folks,

I am writing to thank you for an interesting and informative thread

(the code examples were about the right length/complexity for my 
strictly limited C-fu [s/C/any_language/]; I much prefer people to post 
code rather than HTML/Base 64/... and it is really good to see 
benchmarks of alternative proposals. Andreas++, Sean++).

<pretty useless remarks>

Nagios scales pretty darn will despite the limitations of fork/exec().

There is one Nag 2.x user with ~ 15k services, whose check latencies 
hover around 25 seconds (I have asked permission to release the 
details and will do so if possible) with an active service check profile 

1 check_ping                                  @ 5 min  intervals
2 custom checks of perf data (RAM/cycles/etc (SNMP + RRD ?)
                                              @ 15 min intervals
3 file system checks (SNMP ?)                 @ 60 min intervals

Since this number of service checks are handled Ok (in this isolated 
knowledgable-user case) and those checking much more services are going 
to be under heavy PHB pressure to buy a name brand product, is this 
worth pursuing ?

That said, if my reference implementation of all sorts of useful 
techniques adds a few more, Good.

</pretty useless remarks>

Yours sincerely.

Stanley Hopcroft

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