Andreas Ericsson ae at op5.se
Tue Nov 1 14:51:12 CET 2005

Ben O'Hara wrote:
> On 11/1/05, Andreas Ericsson <ae at op5.se> wrote:
>>Please don't crosspost to everywhere. It's about as polite as knocking
>>on a door with the business end of a shotgun.
> Appologies, thought it was revelent to both devs and users!

Anyone capable and interested in answering the questions would be on 
nagios-devel as well.

>>>Anybody see any reason not to raise this to a higher value? 2048? and
>>>also change it for NRPE?
>>For nrpe and nsca, no. For Nagios it could mean service-checks are being
>>garbled since the maximum POSIX-guaranteed atomic write-size is 512
>>bytes. That must also include hostname and service-description, so 384
>>is actually a calculated value for MAX_PLUGIN_OUTPUT_LENGTH.
> OK, didnt know this, although it does appear that hostname and service
> description are seperate variables with their own defined length.

They are. That's where the length count comes from.

> Im not a coder though so not 100% sure whats going on.
>  > > Does this effect other people? Should it be made as a generic
> change to nagios?
>>It shouldn't be made a generic change to Nagios. The change that
>>*should* be made is that Nagios should fork off commands and multiplex
>>the output so as to get rid of the bottleneck that the FIFO introduces.
>>I've done some fairly serious work on this but it sort of dropped
>>between chairs as I got busy with other things (which is really a shame
>>since it could easily provide a boost in nagios' performance by a factor
>>of 40).
>>I'll get working on it again some rainy day or so.
> Great, seems a shame that the output is limited as obviously this
> causes problems with perfdata etc, especially when its related to disk
> usage which could produce a very large output.

Well... hope for a rainy day then. ;)

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson at op5.se
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Tel: +46 8-230225                  Fax: +46 8-230231

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