"combining" notification emails?

Rob Brown dtownrobbrown at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 00:54:40 CEST 2006

Currently, as I understand it: the notification logic works roughly as
follows: (i know i'm leaving out a lot)
1) service/host goes down.
2) Determine whether or not to send notification
2) If so, iterate through contact group(s) listed for that
host/service and run notification command for each user.
In this case, a seperate email is sent to each user who is in the contact group.
I would love to see a configuration option in Nagios that would allow
ONE message to be sent for each notification with ALL of the contacts
listed in the To: header. This would allow contacts to "see" who else
was notified about this problem and use the "reply to all" feature to
generate discussion threads.
If it would be possible to "flip" the logic this way via a
configuration option, that would rock.
0 = default method: seperate message to each contact
1 = aggregate method: one message to all contacts
Currently the notification command is assigned to each contact: I
assume this would need to move to the contact group definition.
I would interested to hear others' opinions on the topic.
Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this that I cannot think of
or there is a good reason why not to do it.

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