reading nagios configuration from a database (V2.9)

Hendrik Bäcker andurin at
Sun Jul 1 12:18:03 CEST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Hello Yishai,

> 1) Is there any existing add-on that can help here ?

There are many existing addons for configuration tools like NagiosQL,
phpNagios, NagMin (as a Webmin extension) and many more... IMO too much
of them are existing...

> 2) Assuming that we really want Nagios to read configuration from a
> database what is the recommended place holder to do it?

If you realy want to be dependent on a database for your monitoring...
it's your wish ;)

We are using some poor MySQL Tables to hold the different hosts and
services with their config options and are using some Perl DBI Scripts
to dump the DB into Nagios Textfiles.
To preserve from Syntax Errors in the DB we first copy the running files
to a temp dir, create the new files out of the db, do some syntax
checking (nagios -v ) and if everything looks OK we are restarting Nagios.
Just as an idea how we are handling the config.
> ·         Does it mean changing the framework itself or there is an
> option to interfere in one point at the code and get this done?  
I think it would be some work to do to feed nagios directly out of a db...

Kind regards
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