Acknowledgement reporting script - input wanted

Rob Brown dtownrobbrown at
Fri Jun 15 22:05:30 CEST 2007

Hi list,

I have an idea for a (probably perl) script that I want to write, but
thought I would run it by the list first to see if a) anyone has
already done something similar or b) get some input on how I should

A common problem in my environment is that when a problem occurs and
the alert email gets sent out, one of our engineers will Acknowledge
the alert, but then forget to "follow up" on it. I would like to have
a report that runs say every friday that would tally up any hosts that
are still in a non-ok state that have been acknowledged and sort them
by the acknowledger in a report format.
Something along the lines of:
Ack Author
host1/service - current state - duration - status information
host2/service - current state - duration - status information
Of course, the formatting is not important (that can be tweaked
later). The main thing is figuring out where to pull the data from and
tie it all together. Any input would be appreciated.

I did have a quick look at "Nagios Reporter" on NagiosExchange, and
while it is similar in scope, it pulls from summary.cgi which does not
seem to be able to query by "has been acknowledged" like status.cgi
can (serviceprops=4).

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