Bug in statuswml.cgi with Acknowledging Services

Benjamin Schmaus schmaustech at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 11 22:41:38 CEST 2008

It appears there is a bug if you try to acknowledge a critical state via the WAP interface for a service on the host in Nagios 3.x.

Upon looking at the post HTML code, it appears that the service name being passed is the host on which that service is in a critical state.  

Specifically this line in statuswml.c:

printf("<go href='%s' method='post'><postfield name='host' value='%s'/><postfield name='service' value='%s'/><postfield name='com_author' value='$(name)'/><postfield name='com_data' value='$(comment)'/><postfield name='persistent' value=''/><postfield name='send_notification' value=''/><postfield name='cmd_typ' value='%d'/><postfield name='cmd_mod' value='%d'/><postfield name='content' value='wml'/></go>\n",COMMAND_CGI,url_encode(host_name),url_encode(service_desc),CMD_ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM,CMDMODE_COMMIT);

If this line is changed to:

        printf("<go href='%s' method='post'><postfield name='host' value='%s'/><postfield name='service' value='%s'/><postfield name='com_author' value='$(name)'/><postfield name='com_data' value='$(comment)'/><postfield name='persistent' value=''/><postfield name='send_notification' value=''/><postfield name='cmd_typ' value='%d'/><postfield name='cmd_mod' value='%d'/><postfield name='content' value='wml'/></go>\n",COMMAND_CGI,url_encode(host_name),service_desc,CMD_ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM,CMDMODE_COMMIT);

Then it appears to work.

Can anyone confirm this and is there a fix in the works?


Benjamin Schmaus


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