Difference in CPU time with and without ePN

William Leibzon william at leibzon.org
Thu Jan 17 07:44:24 CET 2008

[Note: this is not a reply to particular message but thread in general]

I've used nagios with embedded perl for quite a long time with fairly heavy
number of perl checks (in fact most of the plugins) and I've not seen any
serious memory leaks. I've also tested CPU
usage both with and without ePN and with ePN its 50%-75% less.  Now to be
fair nagios installations I've set it up on do not run forever and usually
set to restart nagios server
once week.  But if there were serious memory leaks I'd have noticed as
I have specialized memory
plugin specifically looking for such issues (nagios dnx code from
June had big issue there BTW although new version I just downloaded seems to
have lot of it fixed but I can still see it leaking).

As far as Perl I suspect the issues are specific to perl modules & plugins
you may be using rather then being ePN issues in general (note that I'm not
using Nagios::Plugin at all for example). If that is so, then try forcing
nagios to reload/recache the plugin by modifying it (I think just adding
extra line with '#' at the end of file should be enough) In general it might
actually be a good idea for nagios to have a
compiled setting on maximum amount of time perl plugin code would be
cached and then
whenever nagios checks if plugin code has changed it can also check when it
was last cached and if its too long recache it even if the code is still the
same; this should really apply to both plugins and perl modules which does
present some extra challenges. At the same tiem my understanding of embedded
perl architecture used by nagios is still limited (I've even tried once to
do something similar myself based on nagios code but could not understand
some of what I saw [I plan on trying it again when I have more time which is
always an issue...] but ePN is not that simple and may well have leak
somewhere that is not consistently showing for everyone).

On 1/11/08, Thomas Guyot-Sionnest <dermoth at aei.ca> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 11/01/08 11:00 AM, Thomas Guyot-Sionnest wrote:
> > Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> >> Thomas Guyot-Sionnest wrote:
> >>> 1. Kill and restart Nagios instead of HUP'ing it (Why don't nagios
> >>> execve itself on HUPs BTW?)
> >> I have no idea. It would definitely make it easier to write modules
> >> for it, as each new load is 100% certain to provide a clean slate.
> >
> > Eh, I just flashed back on this. I know why; it's simply because Nagios
> > opens the resource file (usually readable only by root) before dropping
> > privileges. The only way it can restart by itself without loosing access
> > to that file is what it does right now.
> Oops I though It was that but apparently it's not the case (at least on
> Nagos 3); if the file is only readable by root Nagios fails on HUP's.
> Sorry for the spam (actually for not verifying my claims...) :(
> Thomas
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