patch for nagios 3rc1 - move broker pre call down below macro processing

John Calcote john.calcote at
Fri Jan 18 20:09:54 CET 2008


I've recently joined the Distributed Nagios eXecutor (DNX) team (Oct 
'07), and have just gotten around to porting DNX over to Nagios 3.

I've been looking at nagios-3.0rc1, and I can see that a new type of 
I also note that the run-time semantics of NEBTYPE_SERVICECHECK_INITIATE 
have been modified between Nagios 2.x and 3.x. That is, the INITIATE 
check no longer honors the handler's return code.

I have a small wish in the form of a patch to nagios-3.0rc1 that I would 
like to suggest. I hope you'll find this change reasonable. The patch 
simply moves the call to broker_service_check( 
NEBTYPE_SERVICECHECK_INITIATE, ... ) above the code that configures the 
temporary check output file and check_results_info structure. This puts 
the broker call in a similar relative position in 3.x code as in 2.x 
code, except for the check_result_info structure initialization, which 
didn't really have to be done before the broker call anyway. In 
addition, I moved the code that honors the CALLBACKOVERRIDE return value 
down to the INITIATE check, but left the code that honors the newer 

This grants two advantages that I can see:

1. It makes Nagios 2.x modules more portable because Nagios 3.x would 
honor the same NEB module return values they did in Nagios 2.x code for 
the INITATE check. In addition, it provides the useful ability for 
Nagios 3.x modules to cancel a check in the PRECHECK handler where it 
makes sense to do very little preprocessing before canceling the check; 
cancelling the check in the INITIATE handler is less efficient.

2. NEB modules that want to handle the check themselves with the 
CALLBACKOVERRIDE return value are going to have trouble processing 
macros the same way that Nagios does, unless Nagios provides some API 
routines to do it for them. It makes more sense (IMHO) to have the 
CALLBACKOVERRIDE honored by the INITIATE check, rather than the 

I'm hoping (if you all approve of this change), that we can get it into 
the Nagios 3.0 code base before 3.0 ships. Would it be too late for that?


PS. The patch also fixes a minor error path memory leak, where the 
raw_command string was not being freed in case of an out-of-memory 
condition while allocating the processed_command buffer.

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