Is nagios core extendable?
LadislavHavlik at
Tue Apr 7 13:31:32 CEST 2009
Hi everyboy,
sorry for my poor English in advance.
I have very simply question: Is core code extendable (I don't think GNU licence)?
Let us say I want "fork" and extend current Nagios version about:
1. direct saving results into DB (not by using NDO etc..., but direct - ASAP but refllex possibilities
DB and work node ~ such is latency, IOWait, busy Waiting, timeouts, etc...),
2. "predictive - modul", but no stnd. Nagios modul (this isn't
good place for more explanation).
Very short: Not concept "Event done then send message" but predicitve-statistically: "EVENT PROBABLY
is able to occur then send message".
Have I got your suport for this solutions?
Are these solutions correct?
What is your opinions on this?
Thanks for reply
Sorry, but I have very good reason for this short info - no detail for more info.
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