Nagios dashboard...

Hiren Patel hir3npatel at
Mon Aug 10 11:24:18 CEST 2009

Edgar Matzinger wrote:
> Hello list,
> On 07/30/09 20:17:31, Edgar Matzinger wrote:
>> Hello list,
>>   I've created a simple dashboard (see attachment...) which is an
>> extension of cgi.c. This dashboard was originally added to nagios
>> 2.12.
>> But has been ported to nagios 3.0.6. Alle gauges you see are PNGs and
>> foreach hostgroup, 2 of them are created: one for all hosts and one
>> for
>> all services in a hostgroup. The PNGs are created using the gd
>> library.
>> If someone wants it I can create a patch file...
> OK, no one is interested. Are there any steps taken to create a nagios
> cgi API? Because status.c (which I've extended with the dashboard) has
> all functions it needs in a single C file. If there were an API,
> status.c (and dashboard.c) would be a smaller file statically linked
> to a library.... And it would be easier to create new cgis....
> Any thoughts?

I'd be interested in seeing the patch for that dashboard, it could be 
useful for us. regarding an api for the cgi, I don't see why patches 
would not be considered if they didn't break compatibility.

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