fix request
Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
roy at
Fri Aug 14 10:27:52 CEST 2009
On 13. aug.. 2009, at 22.00, Holger Weiß wrote:
> * Badri Pillai <badri at> [2009-08-13 15:00]:
>> BUT a security bug, which is not only affecting Nagios
>> but the whole system it is running on,
>> needs special attention and should be fixed asap
>> ON all versions of Nagios provides for download (as patch)
> Support for old release branches is what your Unix or Linux
> distribution
> vendor should provide, not necessarily the upstream developers.
That is bullshit. Why won't you add that fix to the 3.[01].x? Is it
really that much work?
Seems to me the only reason not to do so, is to force people to use
3.2.x instead of the old versions.
I can understand quite well that someone chose to fork out
Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
roy at
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