Thoughts / request for feedback on extending servicegroup syntax to support host group -> services associated with a second hostgroup syntax
Hiren Patel
hir3npatel at
Fri Aug 14 23:05:10 CEST 2009
Max wrote:
> Bam .. then any new services or hosts get added at start up time and
> the user has a very easy way to control specific groups of services
> bounded by their host groups with the control panel the CGI provides
> for service groups.
> i realize this is not a trivial thing to implement, so I am asking for
> feedback on
> 1) If others would find this useful
I could see this being useful for us, we also use nagios internally
extensively and a few teams share one distributed setup we have. we
don't currently make extensive use of servicegroups, but I can clearly
see how it would be useful to us, and if we ever do, we'd run into the
situation you have, but worse because we haven't gone with clear naming
schemes among the teams.
> 2) If so, what would be a preferred syntax to implement this?
> * Override the current functionality so that if a LHS or RHS of a
> members tuple doesn't match a host or service, host groups are
> assumed?
I'd prefer the above option. nagios already does this kind of assumption
making in macro processing and such (from what I make), so it wouldn't
be too much of a deviation in how things are done, in my opinion.
> * Add a new member that is optional to the servicegroup object for
> this functionality
> Most likely we will implement this internally as we will have lots of
> our users wanting it, so if people have desire for this we would
> certainly prefer to do it using a syntax and style that others would
> care about so we could contribute the functionality back to the
> community once it is stable and tested.
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