New Nagios implementation proposal

Flyinvap Flyinvap at
Wed Dec 9 21:50:54 CET 2009

Le Wed, 9 Dec 2009 12:12:20 -0600,
Marc Powell <marc at> a écrit :

> know, Ethan doesn't even know or use Python at all. You are asking

And what about taking some concepts from shinken and using their in next
nagios versions ? in python, c, c++ or anything else the developers

> In the end, it's Ethan's decision but I see your project as living on
> it's own, similar to Icinga, promoting 100% nagios compatibility, but
> a completely different implementation none-the-less.
Jean proposed a new implementation for nagios, not a fork, doesn't he ?
Is the fork the only solution ? icinga is not enough ? Is Nagios XI the
only future of nagios ?


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