Strange service scheduling

Ricardo Maraschini ricardo.maraschini at
Thu Feb 26 15:38:51 CET 2009


   We had a strange behaviour with a service schedule last night; The service was scheduled to be checked only on February/2010(Fri Feb 26 00:08:36 2010). This is very strange, looking to the code we found the following piece:



/* the service could not be rescheduled properly - set the next check time for next year, but don't actually reschedule it */
     if(time_is_valid==FALSE && next_valid_time==preferred_time){


   Looking to status.log we saw that the last service check was performed at 22:48 of yesterday, and the time period defined for this service finish at 22:58 thus the next check could be scheduled to 22:53(theoretically) because the normal check interval was defined to 5 minutes. 
   Considering that we have a high latency problem(about 300 seconds) Nagios theoretically tried to check the service OUT of time period scope(22:53 + ~300 seconds of latency problem) thus rescheduling the check for the next valid time following time period definition;

   Is the above reasoning right?
   If yes, why it was scheduled for the next year and not for the next valid time in time period definition?

   Below follow the timeperiod definition:

define timeperiod{
        timeperiod_name  mytimeperiod
        alias            a simple timeperiod definition
        sunday           00:05-23:58
        monday           00:05-05:44,06:21-23:58
        tuesday          00:05-23:58
        wednesday        00:05-23:58
        thursday         00:05-23:58
        friday           00:05-23:58
        saturday         00:05-23:58

    Any help is welcome. Thanks in advance.


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