A NDOUtils replacement : CentreonBroker

Matthieu Kermagoret mkermagoret at merethis.com
Wed Jul 1 11:14:16 CEST 2009

Hi all,

It seems like NDOUtils development will start again soon. That's great news !

However at Merethis, we though that NDOUtils were discontinued and so
we started to develop our own NDOUtils replacement : CentreonBroker.
This software is starting to be viable (we plan to release a beta
version soon) and try to address some of the main drawbacks of the
existing ndomod and ndo2db. Right now we only have a daemon and a
slightly modified version of ndomod (to support TLS). The daemon has
the following advantages over the original ndo2db :

 - written in C++ (more stability)
 - multiple input ports
 - multiple database output
 - configurable logs
 - TLS connection
 - optimized DB schema
 - multithreaded (use modern processors)
 - lower network footprint
 - lower DB server load (optimized queries)

We still miss PostgreSQL and Oracle support (we don't use libdbi
because it seems not to support prepared statements) and full event
processing (we lack support of some event types) but that's about it !
Even more, our first benchmarks show a *real* speed improvement.

Merethis would like to propose this rapidly-evolving high-performance
software as a NDOUtils replacement. Despite its name Centreon-Broker
do not rely on Centreon at all. Also, the name can be changed and more
documentation provided. If you're interested you can checkout the code
at http://svn.centreon.com/trunk/centreon-broker or the homepage at
http://forge.centreon.com/projects/show/centreon-broker .

With this software, we try to address the main NDOUtils drawbacks in a
modern way. As we have a good code start, we would like to share it
with the community and avoid it to reinvent the wheel. So feel free to
tell us what you think about it.

PS : I already spoke of this project to Ethan who told me to see it
with you guys.

Best regards,

Matthieu KERMAGORET | Développeur

mkermagoret at merethis.com

MERETHIS est éditeur du logiciel Centreon.


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