Mistake in Nagios documentation about embedded perl ???
ratty at they.org
Wed Mar 4 02:52:29 CET 2009
The docs may not be crystal clear but I'd say they're far from wrong.
Every plugin is run as a fork. The keywords here are "and executing the
plugins as an external command." With ePN the perl code can be run without
having to instantiate an entire perl process (including compiling the
script code and loading any necessary modules and libraries) which is a
much heavier operation than calling a library function that is already
loaded into memory (as well as the precompiled script code).
Notice that when running an ePN plugin, the process is still named
"nagios" in ps(1) or top(1) output. Without ePN the process would be named
"perl" or perhaps the name of your script.
On Wed, 4 Mar 2009, Yann Jouanin wrote:
> Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 01:00:59 +0100
> From: Yann Jouanin <yann.jouanin.list at intelunix.fr>
> Reply-To: Nagios Developers List <nagios-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
> To: 'Nagios Developers List' <nagios-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
> Subject: [Nagios-devel] Mistake in Nagios documentation about embedded perl
> ???
> Hello everyone,
> I was surprised to read this phrase in the nagios documentation about embedded perl :
> ?Without the embedded Perl interpreter, Nagios executes Perl (and non-Perl) plugins by forking
> and executing the plugins as an external command. When the embedded Perl interpreter is used,
> Nagios can execute Perl plugins by simply making a library call. >>
> http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/passivechecks.html
> If I had read correctly the code in base/checks.c, Nagios compile the plugin code using EPN,
> then fork and execute the previously compiled script.
> Otherwise I guess a perl script with an infinity loop would make Nagios stucks.
> Am I wrong?
> Yann Jouanin
> http://www.yannj.fr
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