Documentation Quickstart-Guide (Ubuntu)

Ingo Lantschner listen2007 at
Tue Mar 10 17:32:06 CET 2009

the present Quickstartguide for Ubuntu states:

Create a new nagios user account and give it a password.
/usr/sbin/useradd -m nagios
passwd nagios
On Ubuntu server edition (6.01 and possible newer versions), you will  
need to also add a nagios group
(it’s not created by default). You should be able to skip this step on  
desktop editions of Ubuntu.
/usr/sbin/groupadd nagios
/usr/sbin/usermod -G nagios nagios

At least for Ubuntu Server 8.04.2 this no longer true. The group  
nagios is created automatically. But the shell is set to /bin/sh by  
default, which stops bash-completion from working, when logged in as  

The documentation should be therefore:
Create a new nagios user account and give it a password.
/usr/sbin/useradd -m -s /bin/bash nagios
passwd nagios
On older Ubuntu server editions (f.e. 6.01), you will need to also add  
a nagios group
(it’s not created by default). You should be able to skip this step on  
desktop- or newer server-editions of Ubuntu.
/usr/sbin/groupadd nagios
/usr/sbin/usermod -G nagios nagios

Cheers, Ingo

Ingo Lantschner
1060 Vienna-Austria
Mobil +43-664-143 84 18


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